Monday, April 22, 2013

Jesse Tooley, Conts Miller, and M. L. Ward

Hartford Herald
January 9, 1895

Drowned in Rough River

Mr. Jesse Tooley, who resided with his two boys near Turkey Bend, on Rough river, about seven miles below Hartford was drowned near his residence last Sunday morning. The river was frozen over, but the warm spell of Sunday morning made the ice rotten and treacherous. A "dinky" boat belonging to Mr. Tooley was on the opposite side of the river and one of the boys proposed to go over and loosen it up. To this Mr. Tooley objected, but the little fellow said he would go anyhow, and forthwith started out over the ice. The father, seeing his son's danger as the ice began to crack, started to the rescue. He reached the boy and grabbing him, threw him back toward the shore, where he fell in safety, but the force of the effort broke the ice and precipitated Mr. Tooley into the water. It seems Mr. Tooley was greatly excited, as would be natural in such a crisis, and although a good swimmer, the terror of the moment bereft him of all self command and he sank beneath the floating ice. He was seen to struggle a few minutes, but without avail, and he soon went down to rise no more. The water at the place was about six feet deep. Mr. Amziah Carter, who lives a short distance away, was attracted by the cries of the boys and came and took the unfortunate man from the water.

Mr. Tooley was a widower and a highly respected citizen of the county. His remains were interred at Walton's Greek cemetery Monday afternoon.

Hartford Herald
June 13, 1900

Conts Miller, the 19 year old son of Joe Miller, of Sunnydale, was drowned last Wednesday while attempting to swim Rough River a short distance above Sullenger’s old mill. He and Elisha Durbin had been to Livermore with some saw logs and were returning home on the north side of the river and when they reached the point where they wanted to cross the river, they found the boat gone and undertook to swim across the river and when near the south side young Miller gave out and sank from sight in the muddy waters to rise no more. His body was recovered Sunday after tireless work and interred in the family burying ground Sunday afternoon.

Hartford Herald
Feb 8, 1905

Drowned in Green River

Mr. M. L. Ward, better known as “Mit” Ward, was drowned last Saturday morning about 10 o’clock in Green river. He had been living on the R. T. Iler farm and undertook to cross the river on the ice and when near the middle of the river the ice gave way and he went down. It was some time before he succeeded in making anyone hear him. When the alarm was heard several men ran to the nearest skiff and pulled it down the river to a point opposite to where he broke through and started to his rescue. But he went down when they were in about thirty yard of him. He had kept up, as nearly as they could reckon the time, for an hour by means of a small pole. After about an hours work his body was recovered. His brother, Ham Ward, of Central City, went to Ceralvo and took charge of the remains and took them to Hazel Creek, Muhlenberg county, for burial. Mr. Ward had practiced law for many years, having once been County Attorney of Butler county.

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