Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Local obituaries

            Most of you know how to find older obituaries from the Hartford newspaper(s) using online searches and I suspect that many of you know that the Daviess County Library (DCPL) has an online database of obituaries starting with deaths in 1842.  You can do your own searches fairly easy on the DCPL site and I encourage you to do so. I’ll give you the link at the end of this post.

            Interestingly, their database is broken into three groupings: 1842-1919; 1920-1989; and 1990 to present.  The information available in each is slightly different and is described as: 1842-1919 Detailed abstracts; 1920-1989 Brief abstracts; and 1990-Present Detailed abstracts.  You will understand that better when you start digging.

            Of course the data is not just for Ohio County residents – it covers several counties in the Owensboro area. So keep that in mind when you are searching.

            I have done some digging for you in the first category (1842-1919) by limiting my search for all data from Ohio County (not using any surname) and I got about 30 hits.  I will post all of these for you.

          The following is an example of one of those hits and in the example below I have circled (1) the name of the deceased, (2) the date of death, (3) cause of death, and (4) date & source of the info – which happens to be the Hartford News.  So, although we would prefer more info, this is a lot here and it might help anyone searching the Cummins' line.  One way to read the actual obit would be to go to the Ohio County library and read the actual newspaper (probably on micro-film, but I’m not positive of that).  Note that some of these “abstracts” have less information than my example because some came from very brief mentions of a death instead of a more formal obit, and some have a bit more info – it’s just hit or miss, but if you haven’t searched this site you should. 


Here is a portion of what I found (various names; only filtered by "Ohio County") – too many for one post:

And here is a link to the site:

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